
How Do Surveys and Feedback Help Maintain Company Culture? 

Strong workplace culture will serve as a flag bearer in maintaining your top employees during periods of high resignation rates. 

According to recent Linkedin data, 77% of businesses strive to improve the employee experience to boost retention. Leaders must maintain the company culture in an era when most companies are moving to fully remote or hybrid work environments. 

An honest assessment, whether it comes in the form of a gut punch or a standing ovation, can lead to improvements. 

Certain rules govern the way that feedback is handled in every business. The growth of individuals, teams, and the organisation is promoted by a strong organisational culture, which accepts input and makes use of it. Organisations that value feedback is talent investors rather than talent scavengers. 

The Purpose Of Corporate Culture Surveys 

For a company to understand what it stands for, it is essential to learn what its employees believe in. In addition to highlighting any concerns, culture surveys reveal how employees feel about the business. The survey results will provide a wealth of incredibly valuable insights because corporate culture is created by people who are involved in it. 

Companies can improve the experience of working through employee surveys. Building on employee feedback is an effective and efficient way to ensure employee engagement and satisfaction. Any company culture should foster a favourable work environment since engaged employees are significantly more productive than their disengaged counterparts. 

Changing Business Culture With The Right Survey Questions 

A job satisfaction survey is the best place to start when assessing anything, from what motivates employees to work harder to what your company needs to improve. Your employees’ views on your organisation’s culture and what they support might be better captured through this survey. 

If you want to make the survey more accessible for your staff to complete, you might wish to split the questions into separate sections, such as: 

A) Tests to determine how well your staff understands and relates to your company’s culture 

i. Do you feel at ease in our office environment? Yes, but why? 

ii. Are you aware of your job’s impact on our organisation’s business objectives? 

iii. How do you think our company defines success, in your opinion? 

B) Inquiries gauging how well your coworkers think you are doing 

i. Is our organisation’s culture of collaboration and teamwork satisfactory? 

ii. Would you consider our business to be socially responsible? 

iii. What is your opinion of our zero-tolerance policy against discrimination? 

C) Questions that gauge your staff’s levels of happiness and suggestions for improvement 

i. Is there anything we could change about our company to make it a better workplace? 

ii. Do you approve of the way our organisation conducts performance reviews? 

iii. Do you feel that our company gives you enough opportunities to express your opinions and a voice in decision-making? 

You May Also Want to Go Through: 5 Sure-fire Ways to Make Your Online Surveys More Effective 

Increasing Survey Response Rates: Tips And Tricks 

1. Make sure you plan ahead 

It is crucial to realise that before sending out a culture survey, a business needs to have a plan to increase response rates. Everyone concerned should help to generate interest in culture surveys, including the management, the partners, and the participants.  

Inform your staff of the impending launch of a culture survey by posting on social media or sending an email. By conducting this type of activity, you can achieve high response rates. 

2. Send surveys that are precise and concise 

Employees get bored with long surveys. Considering survey fatigue to increase response rates, an organisation should keep survey questions as detailed as possible. 

3. Make sure anonymity is maintained 

The anonymity of the survey significantly influences the response rate. For employees, it is crucial that expressing their opinions will not negatively affect their standing with management or their colleagues. Additionally, keeping the poll anonymous will guarantee that respondents provide candid feedback, which will provide more valuable insights on how to enhance workspace culture. 

4. Don’t forget to remind people

Giving a friendly nudge at predetermined intervals can dramatically improve response rates. 

5. Gain knowledge of obstacles 

Several obstacles may prevent an employee from offering input for a culture survey. Assess what factors prevent respondents from responding, such as lack of time, difficulty understanding the survey’s language, or a delay in loading the survey on their computer. 

What SurveyPoint Can Do For Businesses 

Systems for managing human resources are a surefire approach to enhancing your human resource management procedures. Evaluation of your organisation’s culture and employee satisfaction is crucial for transforming abstract intentions into measurable outcomes. 

By using SurveyPoint, you can create a complex, personalised survey tailored to your company’s needs. It will streamline the process of acquiring vast volumes of data, which will boost productivity. Additionally, you’ll be able to develop strategic insights and make more informed judgments using data. 

Speed up the procedure, save time, and increase response rates with SurveyPoint. Sign up for free today!   


The final word? Take the time to listen to your staff. Undoubtedly, the Great Resignation has taught workers that they have greater bargaining power than they initially believed and are not afraid to use it. Employers should actively solicit their workers’ preferences, views, and insights, especially regarding company culture. 

Heena Shah – Content Writer at Sambodhi

Heena Shah