
5 Simple Formulas for Success in Demographic Survey Questions

A children’s toy commercial aired late at night is probably not the best option since most kids are fast asleep by then. As a result, wise advertisers will refrain from running ads during those hours. Do you ever wonder how it’s all possible? Target audience personas are created based on a deep understanding of the audience’s pulse. By employing this technique, the company could reach the right audience at the right time and save money by eliminating unnecessary expenses. In a similar vein, companies must utilize a demographic survey to understand their target audience. 

Getting your goals accomplished efficiently and effectively requires knowing your target audience’s needs, wants, and desires.

What Do Demographic Survey Questions Entail?

Operating a business is virtually impossible for the “general public.” A key aspect of business strategy is focusing on lucrative market niches.

These are inquiries that ascertain your participants’ overall qualities. Demographic information includes questions about participant age, gender, and income level. The knowledge you gain from this will allow you to recognize your participants’ actual needs easily.

Your respondents can be divided into several market profiles using their responses to these demographic questions. Therefore, identifying special groups, behavioral trends, and more effective ways to serve and target them will become much smoother.

Related: 5 Sure-fire Ways to Make Your Online Surveys More Effective

Different Types Of Demographic Survey Questions

Listed below are the five types of demographic survey questions and the best way to ask them:


There is no doubt that gender is the most fundamental demographic factor. Politicians or marketers often use gender to reveal unbalanced opinions. As a consequence, gender is the most popular demographic for segmenting results.

When asking a participant for their gender, be careful not to hurt or offend them. The way you ask about gender depends on the purpose of the information and how many people you want to survey. 

But, you want to ensure you don’t accidentally exclude a group of people. So, instead of just presenting them with options to choose from, allow them to self-describe. Try to formulate your question: “Which gender do you identify with?” Or “How do you define your gender identity?”

Source: Hubspot  

Age, along with gender, is one of the most basic demographic questions. Knowing the participant’s age can add an exciting dimension to your survey.

The most efficient way to ask age-related questions is through scales. This approach enables customers who might not feel comfortable disclosing their exact age to participate while maintaining privacy.

For instance, under 18, 19-25, above 65, etc. Make sure you don’t overlap your age categories, such as including the number 40 in both 36-40 and 40-45.


A crucial demographic question is the participant’s level of education because it sheds light on the potential nature of their profession.

For instance, if all your respondents hold doctoral degrees, they are most likely critical thinkers. Therefore, you should heavily rely on reason rather than emotion to persuade such prospects. 

Always use a multiple-choice question to inquire about an individual’s literacy level. You can ask your participants, “What is the highest level of education you have achieved?” and give them the appropriate options.

Income & Employment

For any market study, income-related survey questions are arguably an essential type of question. Knowing your customers’ purchasing power is one of the benefits of collecting this information.

Be sure to utilize range scales and to give people the option of skipping the question, just as you would with any sensitive subject.


Ideally, it is best to avoid discussing race because it is a delicate and highly volatile subject. However, it could occasionally be required to inquire about respondents’ race. Be mindful that race-related questions can yield inaccurate responses depending on how they are interpreted.

Additionally, many nations are racial and cultural mashups. The prevalence of mixed backgrounds means that checkbox questions with instructions to select those that apply are widely accepted.

Therefore, the best way to ask questions about ethnicity is by letting the participant speak for themselves. Use a question like: “How would you describe your ethnicity?”

Reasons Why Demographic Survey Is The Way To Go

Analyzing data to identify trends

Your demographic survey questions have been distributed, and you have all the data in your hands. However, that’s not the whole story. The asking is the simple part; the next step is to look for patterns in the responses. As you categorize the gathered data into appropriate divisions, you will become more aware of how to proceed. As a result, you can spot trends more quickly.

Be sure you are targeting the right audience

It is especially beneficial to conduct demographic surveys when you are unsure who your target audience is. By studying the characteristics of the participants concerning your product or service, you can achieve your desired goals. With demographic information, you can modify your approach to the likes and wants of your target market.

Knowing why people have responded a certain way to a survey question

By conducting demographic surveys, you can gain an understanding of the participants. It explains their nature, thinking, and making confident choices. Sometimes, survey results might come as a surprise. However, by adding demographic questions to your survey, you can figure out why some of the respondents have answered questions in a particular manner.

Calculate the credibility of survey responses

You should strive to have a diverse cross-section of respondents represented in your survey to get a better overall picture. Then, you can improve your findings and test your ideas using smaller or leaner participant groups.

With the aid of demographic survey questions, you can gather a solid amount of data on the participants’ backgrounds. Doing so will help ensure that your survey is honest and reflects the truth.

Related: How to Ace Audience Analysis with Market Research 

The Power of Demographics

As mentioned above, not everyone might be comfortable with answering certain sensitive subjects. Thus, it is essential to know when to incorporate demographic questions into your survey. Do not include questions regarding religion, race, marital status, political preference, or household income unless necessary. Stick to questions that are relevant to the subject of your research.

Further, a demographic survey involves more than just collecting information. Knowing how to ask questions is crucial as well. Awkward structuring and irrelevant personal questions can keep people from participating in your survey. Ensure your participants have a seamless experience answering questions.

How do you embark on this journey? Put the right digital tool at the heart of your market research. 

With SurveyPoint, survey creation isn’t as challenging as it seems. Don’t let data collection and analysis hassle stand in your way. Break through the noise Today! 

Heena Shah – Content Writer at Sambodhi

Heena Shah